Exploring the Mountain between Science and the Soul.
There is a mysterious mountain which lays hidden in plain sight. It stands between certainty (science) and the unknown (soul). Many seek to commune with this mountain yet it’s Babel of Tongues is often indecipherable and utterly intoxicating. But if you’re willing to ride against tides of fear, emotion and strangeness, a communion reveals a richness which expresses our spiritual history.
Yellowstone is a physical representation of this mountain. An experience exploring here fills the soul with an appreciation of our mysterious yet turbulent life on earth. Despite the park’s crowds and popularity, Yellowstone has been a massive inspiration for my photography art. During our first visit in 2006, Yellowstone’s apocalyptic beauty was etched in our hearts and minds. Deeply excited to revisit this inspiring and otherworldly site; I used my camera to dig deeper and capture the known and unknown.
Science & Soul
Much of this set was captured at the Grand Prismatic Spring, where the vibrant bacteria changes color with water temperature. The color matches the rainbow of light refracted through a prism: red, orange, yellow, green and blue. The photographs reveal a ghostly tribal chief and parallels to Jupiter’s red eye. Many of the reflection titles contain Native American beliefs. The Old Ones are Gods, The Kachina are spirit beings, Mudhead is one of the Clown Kachinas, a Sipapu is the portal between worlds and The Harvest of Souls refers to the beginning of reservation life. Keep exploring the mountain for which our origin lays upon.