[singlepic id=1520 w=225 h=240 float=left]Last week I added a Waterfall Reflection Gallery. The reflections are created by mirroring abstract nature photography without the use of layering or filter manipulations. The original photographs were captured at Parc de la Chute Montmorency, Quebec. The photography set holds a variety of abstract perspectives on energizing white spiritual water, cloud reflection combinations and details of falling water. There are techniques I use with the camera in hopes of bringing reflection ideas to life in the studio. But more often than not, outcomes during the creation of montage reflections are unpredictable.
The Christian theme within some of these waterfall reflections is fascinating. Diverse spiritual and religious visions are appearing throughout much of my work. The result of which has sent me into research on many ideologies. The basis of my research question is: “Why does a nature loving artistic mind unconsciously project religion?” Even the animals which seem to be numerously unfolding may relate to mythical religious belief systems like Totemism, Astrology and Alchemy.
[singlepic id=1509 w=500 h=250 float=right]From my initial perspective, Waterfall Reflection 15 reveals a female deity in threes. The reflection involuntarily formed into a crucifix. Furthering the vision, I placed the reflection into a definitive cross shape. I inverted and repeated the shape while keeping the reflection right side up. Much of my process is a play between unconscious and conscious ideas. Trying to figure out why a female form may have unfolded within the cruciform shape brought me to research the wisdom deity known as Sophia. In Christian undercurrents, Sophia may represent the feminine aspect of god hidden outside of the trinity (father, son and holy ghost). Researching Sophia has furthered my interest in the quaternity aspects of nature, mandalas, spirituality, crucifixes and other religious symbols.