
Elemental Magic Book

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $60.00.

Nature Reflection Book
Elemental Magic: Mirrors of Creation Volume 1
10″x8″ Hardcover Coffee Table Art Book
76 full-color pages containing 148 reflection artworks
Professionally printed on 100# Lustre
Artist written, designed and signed art book.



Back of Book Description: Elemental Magic, Mirrors of Creation Volume 1, covers selected works by artist photographer Michael F Wolik. These images were created between years 2009-2019. During that ten year period Michael discovered what became his main art form, creating photography reflections with nature. Michael attributes much of his process to curiosity, improvisation, soul searching and his experiences exploring over 30 National Parks. He believes strongly that escaping popular society while traveling and getting deeply in touch with nature brought him to this unique art form.

Due to the Rorschach (psychological ink blot test) quality of the work, Michael has received a plethora of interesting comments from onlookers. Much of the commentary and theories in this book are references and observations from various public art shows.

Since Michael’s work cannot be deduced into simple elemental categories, he has created a unique designation for the chapters of this book. The title Elemental Magic is also an intended play on words. Look inside and find Elemental Magic which is rooted upon nature’s artistic variation, serendipity, improvisation, expression and exploration.

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